Best Movie Experience
Wallpapers for Theater rooms
Wallpapers with the highest ‘αw’ value in the world
Shop NowStarts from $120/sqm*
*minimum order qty is 8 sqm.

Acoustic wallpaper is a thick wallpaper which is ideal for theatre rooms, conference rooms, smart classrooms and other sound related spaces.
We invest a lot of money in theatre rooms with high end sound systems, speakers, projectors etc. Home theatre audio produces echoes as the sound bounces back from the walls, floor and ceiling. Acoustic wallpaper absorbs that sound, reducing the audio bounce and helps to achieve the calm experience of perfect theatre sound with more clarity and less disturbance.
Tested Scientifically
Sound AbsorptioN
Enhance Room Acoustics
Noise Reduction
Textile Surface

Breakthrough development in Acoustics for walls
This luxurious wallpaper is from our Theatre Room European collection. It is getting very popular for the fact that it helps to reduce the echos in the room which brings clarity in sound. Its noise cancellation feature is what makes it top of the line and unique!!! This wallpaper comes in different colours and you can also have custom prints on it. Isn’t that exciting!!!
So do not forget to get this special wallpaper for the best movie experience and get the most out of your theatre room investment ? ?

reducing the Reverberation time
Ideal for Study room, Restaurants & Cafes, Offices & Meeting rooms, Hospitals, Theaters, Sound Studios, Nightclubs & Gyms

Width : 145cms
Length : Custom size
Thickness : 2.2mm
Front Surface : Textile
Backside : Non-Woven
Printable : Yes (means can print your own design/image)
Acoustic Absorption Value αw : 0.85
Acoustic Absorption Class : B
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