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Know Different Types of Wallpapers

Wall Murals
Our wide collection of wallpapers provides you with everything that you need to improve your space. Moreover, it includes various colours and textures to deck up your whole room or a feature wall.
Wall Murals

It is more comforting when your walls get the best touch and makes it worth looking at with affordable prices. Wallpapers and murals are more popular these days as we all have a hectic life nowadays nobody has the time to paint their walls frequently. Here we will discuss about different types of wallpapers available with us.

Suede Wallpapers

We have a vast variety of suede wallcoverings which are more graceful and evident. With it’s simple and decent designs it is more popular nowadays as it adds a sophisticated look to your space. These also absorb noise and sound waves to some extent. They come in soft and light colours and are very soft to touch and feel. They have some huge patterns on them which suits well on high ceiling walls. Their designs are contemporary and subtle.

Natural Wallpapers

Natural Grasscloth

Add some raw look to your walls with our pure natural wallcoverings. They are hand made wallpapers and made with naturally grown fibers. You can also say that each types of wallpapers is unique as each fiber is unique in itself. These grasscloth wallcoverings will give you a feeling of being closer to nature. Natural materials like jute, seagrass, bamboo and sisal are used to make these. These are good for hallways, entrance walls, corporate offices and living rooms. 

While installing them, as they are natural fibre, the joints are visible in some wallpapers where the grain pattern of two sheets are next to each other in a horizontal way. On the other hand, if the grain pattern is in a vertical way, then when you join them while installing, it’s quite hard to see where the joint is gone after you finish installation.

Embossed Wallpapers

Our stock of quirky embossed wallpapers are ideal for the walls of your bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, and workspace. You can feel them on your finger tips when you touch them. These wallpapers look appreciable on feature walls.

Theater Room Wallpapers

These are special acoustic wallcoverings which are specifically designed to absorb sound waves. When you design theatre rooms, there is a need to put sound absorbing and noise dampening mediums so sound is least reflected back. When you are hearing heavy beats, you don’t want to hear the last beat overlap the next beat and thus these wallpapers help reduce that overlapping of sound. They are not your normal wallpapers but they are special made layers that are crafted in a way that will absorb noise. This material has the highest ‘αw’ value. 

Wall Murals

Murals are panel based wall covering which usually shows a big picture. They may be beautiful scenery or mesmerising artwork. They can also be printed by your selecting of photographs or custom made artworks.You can also upgrade your feature walls with our mural collection. We also provide different types of wallpapers and murals by color which gives you a space with that colour you cherish the most.The colour you enclose yourself with can influence your outlook and emotions, so we have all the murals available according to your liking.

Wall Decals

These are wall stickers which are printed and cut using a vinyl cutting machine. These are usually used for temporary use or where its life is short, about 2 years. They are best used to quickly decorate a room with designs on all the walls without covering full walls. These can be easily removed in future, thus are a good option for people who want to decorate rooms where they are not allowed to paint or wallpaper it. They are good with  rental properties or short time feature walls like nurseries or kids playrooms.

So modernize your abode instantly and effortlessly with our attractive yet economical different types of wallpapers. Talk to us if you want to know anything more about wallpapers. We also have experts who can guide you through all the process to help you choose the right murals for your feature wall.

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